RSVP for the reGathering

8:00 AM       Worship Center    Reserved for the Most Vulnerable.

9:30 AM       Fellowship Hall     Suggested for our families with young children.

10:30 AM     Worship Center

Everyone is encouraged to wear a mask while moving about the building.  Thank you!

By reserving a spot for a service this weekend, I affirm the following for myself, and if applicable, my family:

  • I am not currently sick, nor am I displaying flu-like symptoms, which may include fever, cough, difficulty breathing, loss of taste or smell, and/or a temperature of 100.4 or higher, nor have I had exposure in the last 14 days with someone who has tested positive or is awaiting test results for COVID-19.

  • I understand that activities involved in gathering for worship carry health-related risks that can be minimized but not eliminated.

  • I understand that if I am at a higher risk for severe illness due to age or underlying health conditions, identified as "Most Vulnerable" by the CDC, I should prayerfully consider worshiping online from home.